Is Xbox Set for a Killer 2024?

I know, I know… I said I wasn’t going to cover these types of shows this year. However, I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about today’s Xbox Developer Direct, which I thought had an incredibly solid lineup of games. Similar to last year’s show, everything shown during today’s Direct is expected to launch this year, and it got me thinking… is Xbox set for a killer 2024? Sure, last year was supposed to be a huge year for the platform what with Starfield finally releasing, but since it ended up being so divisive (I personally loved it and you can find my review here) it seemed like most people wrote off 2023 as a swing and a miss for Microsoft. Well, it looks like this is going to be the year that Xbox finally gets its big games that everyone’s been dying for, and assuming they end up meeting expectations, it looks like 2024 has the chance to be a redemptive year.

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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 (Review)

Developer: Insomniac Games
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Available On: PlayStation 5

Few games have been released with a greater sense of confidence than 2018’s Marvel’s Spider-Man. Insomniac Games (the studio behind Spyro, Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, and more) crafted a stunningly detailed New York City that served as the ultimate playground for the friendly neighborhood Web-Head. From perfect controls that made web-swinging feel like an exhilarating dream, to a heartfelt story that truly captured the essence of the character, Insomniac proved they were the right team for the job. Following up with a smaller spin-off centered around Miles Morales at the launch of the PS5 in 2020 (along with a remaster of the first game), Insomniac then went on to release a brand new Ratchet & Clank adventure just a few months later, making a name for themselves as one of the fastest working studios in the industry. With Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, it’s made apparent that Insomniac is using everything they’ve learned from the previous releases on the console to deliver an absolute showpiece that not only proves the power of the PlayStation 5 as a next-gen system, but the power of their team as well.

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Fort Solis (Review)

Developer: Fallen Leaf, Black Drakkar Games
Publisher: Dear Villagers
Available On: PC, macOS (Coming Soon), PlayStation 5

Reviewed on PlayStation 5

Pitched as a tight sci-fi thriller at Summer Game Fest last year, Fort Solis is the first project by co-developers Fallen Leaf and Black Drakkar Games. Designed with the power of Unreal Engine 5 and featuring the voice talent of industry legends Troy Baker and Roger Clark, Fort Solis instantly wowed with its high visual quality and megastar cast, an unusual combination for a first-release indie game. As the game crept ever closer to its release, it was clear that it was keeping its cards close to its chest. There were few trailers, interviews, and videos about the game, so much of what it was remained to be seen. Sadly, now that the game has been released and I’ve been able to uncover the mystery at its core, it’s also clear that the execution of the experience doesn’t match its ambition.

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DOOM (1993) – (Review)

Developer: id Software
Publisher: id Software
Available On: Virtually every platform under the sun
Xbox One version reviewed on Xbox Series S

While there are earlier examples, the original 1993 release of DOOM was how a significant amount of gamers were introduced to the first-person shooter genre. Along with a ripping soundtrack, ferocious demons to slay, and an arsenal of powerful weapons, DOOM quickly made a name for itself as one of the most hardcore and beloved games of its time. Now, 30 years later, the influence of DOOM is still felt in the industry, even if the actual nuts and bolts of the genre have been modernized and updated. However, despite its age, DOOM still holds up and is as engaging and badass now as it was then, and with it being released on just about every platform imaginable, it’s never been easier to play it.

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Planet of Lana (Review)

Developer: Wishfully Studios
Publisher: Thunderful Publishing
Available On: PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S

Reviewed on Xbox Series S

Inspired by games like Limbo and Inside, Planet of Lana is a 2D puzzle-platformer that uses its painterly style and sci-fi/fantasy aesthetic to tell a remarkable story about an alien invasion, separated siblings, and the bond between a young girl and a wild animal. It clocks in at around 4-5 hours, making it the perfect length to knock out in either a single extended session or spread out in a few short bursts, and as long as you play it I’ll be happy because I truly think this is one of 2023’s best games.

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SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake (Review)

Developer: Purple Lamp
Publisher: THQ Nordic
Available On: PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One

PS4 version reviewed on PS5

The story behind SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake is one of my favorite industry stories of the past few years. The developers at Purple Lamp were responsible for the 2020 remake of SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom, a 3D action platformer from 2003. While their remake received mixed reviews from critics, the general audience loved it and it became a commercial success that sold over 2 million copies. Purple Lamp was then given the opportunity to make their own SpongeBob game to act as a spiritual successor to Battle for Bikini Bottom, taking everything they learned from working on the remake to craft a brand new adventure. As it turns out, the team at Purple Lamp is more than capable of creating their own game, resulting in an experience that’s brimming with nostalgia and feels like it was directly pulled from the early 2000s era of licensed platformers.

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Xbox Games Showcase 2023 / Starfield Direct (Recap)

In what was arguably the most anticipated show of the season, Microsft put on the Xbox Games Showcase / Starfield Direct. Microsoft has spent the past few years going on a studio acquisition spree, and this showcase was built up to be the one where that all paid off. While there were still a few studios and titles absent, we got to see an incredible lineup of games, just about all of which will be coming to Game Pass at launch. The show also ended with a deep dive into Starfield, the upcoming open-world space RPG from Bethesda, and let me tell you, I’m going to lose hundreds of hours to that game. Below you’ll find every announcement along with links to the trailers shown. Enjoy!

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Devolver Direct 2023 (Recap)

Devolver Digital is notorious for always putting on the most insane gaming showcase of the year, with each show serving as the next chapter in an ongoing live-action skit. Last year ended the saga of host Nina Struthers (played by Mahria Zook) and her torture and madness through the so-called “future’s future future”. It’s always been an intentionally ridiculous story that poked fun at whatever the biggest gaming controversy of that year was (microtransactions, cryptocurrency, etc.), and last year’s show saw an end to the narrative that’s been going since the first show in 2017. For this year, Devolver has introduced a new character named Volvy, a totally real retro video game mascot that absolutely wasn’t made up solely for the sake of the show. You can watch the whole thing here (it’s not too long), but below you’ll find a detailed recap of the games shown between the Volvy story segments.

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Day of the Devs 2023 (Recap)

Double Fine and iam8bit have been putting together an indie-focused show called “Day of the Devs” since 2012, using their platform to highlight and raise up small independent projects from around the world. This year was no exception, and as we go over everything that was shown during the presentation, I’m sure you’ll be able to find at least one game that speaks to you.

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Guerrilla Collective Publisher Spotlight – Tiny Build (Recap)

Closing out the Guerrilla Collective’s Publisher Spotlight show was Tiny Build, giving us a look at 11 of their upcoming games and updates. Below you’ll find each game shown as well as links to all of the trailers. If you missed the first two parts of the Publisher Spotlight, you can find a recap of everything coming from Freedom Games here, as well as a look at what Hype Train Digital has in store here. Now, let’s see what Tiny Build has coming up.

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