DOOM (1993) – (Review)

Developer: id Software
Publisher: id Software
Available On: Virtually every platform under the sun
Xbox One version reviewed on Xbox Series S

While there are earlier examples, the original 1993 release of DOOM was how a significant amount of gamers were introduced to the first-person shooter genre. Along with a ripping soundtrack, ferocious demons to slay, and an arsenal of powerful weapons, DOOM quickly made a name for itself as one of the most hardcore and beloved games of its time. Now, 30 years later, the influence of DOOM is still felt in the industry, even if the actual nuts and bolts of the genre have been modernized and updated. However, despite its age, DOOM still holds up and is as engaging and badass now as it was then, and with it being released on just about every platform imaginable, it’s never been easier to play it.

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Banjo-Kazooie (Review)

Developer: Rare
Publisher: Nintendo / Microsoft Game Studios
Available On: Nintendo 64, Nintendo Switch, Xbox 360, and Xbox One
Xbox 360 version reviewed on Xbox Series S

It feels like I’ve been flirting with Banjo-Kazooie for most of my life. A friend of mine (shoutout to Joey P.) had both this game and its sequel, Banjo-Tooie, when we were kids, and although I remember watching him play them at his house, I don’t think I ever borrowed them or purchased my own copies. Two console generations later, Rare (the studio that made the Banjo series) was acquired by Microsoft and ported both Banjo games to the Xbox 360. While I downloaded the demo for this re-release and played it multiple times, I never pulled the trigger and bought the full game. Banjo-Kazooie has always been that game that I’ve been “meaning to play”, and now, 25 years after its initial release, I’ve finally done so and now find myself wishing I had played it sooner.

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