The Callisto Protocol (Review)

Developer: Striking Distance Studios
Publisher: Krafton
Available On: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S
Reviewed on PS5

If you ask fans of the horror genre what some of their favorite video games are, the three you’re most likely to hear are Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Dead Space. While Resident Evil has maintained popularity since its first installment in the ’90s, both Silent Hill and Dead Space disappeared around the end of the 360/PS3 generation, leaving them without new entries for over a decade. However, the past few months have seen that change considerably. Silent Hill had a showcase revealing multiple upcoming games and a movie, while Dead Space saw an incredibly polished remake of the first game released to universal acclaim. At the same time, Glen Schofield (the co-creator of the Dead Space franchise) and his new studio, Striking Distance Studios, release a brand new IP in the form of The Callisto Protocol. I admittedly haven’t played Dead Space, so I can’t give you detailed information on how this game compares, but if you’re a like-minded horror fan then this is a game you’ll want to pick up and play through, although that recommendation does come with a few caveats.

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