DOOM (1993) – (Review)

Developer: id Software
Publisher: id Software
Available On: Virtually every platform under the sun
Xbox One version reviewed on Xbox Series S

While there are earlier examples, the original 1993 release of DOOM was how a significant amount of gamers were introduced to the first-person shooter genre. Along with a ripping soundtrack, ferocious demons to slay, and an arsenal of powerful weapons, DOOM quickly made a name for itself as one of the most hardcore and beloved games of its time. Now, 30 years later, the influence of DOOM is still felt in the industry, even if the actual nuts and bolts of the genre have been modernized and updated. However, despite its age, DOOM still holds up and is as engaging and badass now as it was then, and with it being released on just about every platform imaginable, it’s never been easier to play it.

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The Last of Us: Part I (Review)

Developer: Naughty Dog
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Reviewed on PS5

This is my third time reviewing The Last of Us. I wrote my first review back when it launched on the PS3 in 2013, followed by an updated review a year later for the PS4 port, and now I’m reviewing it again for the recently released PS5 edition. I’ve played through this game so many times over the years that I know where every last collectible, weapon, box of ammo, and crafting component can be found, and I have even completed it on the hardest difficulty setting, Grounded, on more than one occasion. I know this game like the back of my hand, so jumping into this new version that’s “built from the ground up” for next-gen hardware was something I was really looking forward to analyzing. However, after finishing this new version of the game, I’m not sure I can easily recommend it to everyone.

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