The Pathless (Review)

The Pathless

Developer: Giant Squid
Publisher: AnnaPurna Interactive
Available On: iOS, macOS, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Reviewed On: PlayStation 5
Copy obtained via GameFly

Developer Giant Squid’s first release, the 2016 underwater exploration game Abzû, was a beautiful and contemplative adventure through the depths of the ocean. Fans of Abzû compared its wordless narrative, interpretive lore, and Zen-like traversal to 2012’s critically acclaimed Journey, which is fitting since Giant Squid was founded by several people who used to work at the studio that made it, thatgamecompany. With their new game, The Pathless, Giant Squid carries over many of the elements that made Journey and Abzû such beloved titles, while also introducing new mechanics and design philosophies that give it its own identity.

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