Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (Review)

Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Square Enix

Available on PS5

After a month and a half of playing it nearly every day, I can now say that I have finished Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. This massive RPG took me a little over 130 hours to finish, and while that’s largely because I did a completionist run of the game, I also found myself wanting to stay in its world for as long as possible. With 2020’s Final Fantasy VII Remake, the 1997 classic was reimagined with jaw-dropping visuals, a playful sense of humor and discovery, and a new interpretation of the story that both honored the original and delivered one of the greatest narrative twists of all time. In this sequel, Square Enix has expanded the entire scope of the game and taken everything they did with Remake and fine-tuned it into what I think may just be one of the finest gaming experiences in the past 20 years. I couldn’t stop playing this game, and even now that I’ve beaten it, I’ve already jumped back in for a second playthrough. That being said, this is the kind of game where you need to sit with your feelings upon completing it, which is why I’ve waited over a week since rolling credits before starting to put these words down. After processing everything and allowing those feelings to solidify, I think I’m ready to talk about this game in detail.

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